Risk Transfer
Excess & Surplus Market Invest
The Einstein Group and Einstein Risk Transfer offer a variety of excess & surplus insurance related investment securities.
The Einstein Group offers a number of investment programs that focus on excess & surplus lines through various arrangements.
Einstein works with programs to fund risk that is too costly or otherwise unavailable on the traditional insurance market. We employ domestic and international operations in order to provide the most efficient solution.
With many years of underwriting and significant premium and capital amounts financed, Einstein is resource for your firm in the market.
Solving Non-Traditional Risk Problems
Insurance underwriting requires capital. Einstein specializes in matching capital to various non-traditional insurance structures.
We are involved in financing a variety of risk profiles. A few of our programs involving at risk capital include:
Standard premium financing for excess risk
Capital placement for captive arrangements
Group funding requirements
New program funding
Einstein is on the forefront of matching emerging risks and placement of non-traditional risk capital.
Insured risk can be insured. Einstein maintains a number of relationships in the risk-bearing entity market. We are ready, willing and able to assist your firm today.
Since the early days of insurance, there have been individuals that share in the risk of loss of occurrences.
The diversity of risk allows capital to be deployed and diversified.
Einstein, in certain and distinct instances and when appropriate, serves on both sides of reinsurance and retrocession contracts.
If your firm seeks to cede or accept risk, please allow us to assist.